World leader and innovator of Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME), Runway and Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS).
Everyday millions of people in more than 70 countries around the world lead a safer life on the road or at the airport due to SARSYS-ASFT products.
Sweden and US based SARSYS-ASFT is the world's leading developer and manufacturer of Continuous Friction Measuring Equipment (CFME), and provider of cutting-edge ITS and Road/Runway Weather Information System (RWIS). SARSYS-ASFT is vertical integrated and ISO 9001 certified which are both key pillars to maintain its leading position.
SARSYS-ASFT develop and provides IT-systems for surveying surface- and weather-condition at airports. The products include computerized technology for monitoring factors such as friction, freezing points, early ice warning-systems, precipitation, groundfrost, ice deposit growth, camera-surveillance systems among other.
The objective for measuring friction and other variables is to serve as a basis for decisions in order to make the correct maintanance- and operational assessments at the right time and place. The ultimate objective is to achieve acceptable road- or runway-conditions for vehicles and aircrafts to travel safely.
Originating as a supplier for airports since more than 30 years, all SARSYS-ASFT-systems are developed with very high demands and high standards. Today that know how and those high standards are also found in SARSYS-ASFTs road segment.
The technology is purpose built for stationary- or mobile use; Fixed information systems provide continuous sampling of values and monitoring of changes overtime. Whereas the vehicle-mounted sensors provides a mobile information center to have complete coverage of an entire infrastructure to sense factors such as friction, atmospheric conditions, pavement temperature, surface condition, surface freezing point etc.
With these systems, SARSYS-ASFT offers airport- and roads authorities in frosty regions the technology to help increase safety, cut costs and be more environmental friendly.
SARSYS-ASFT have since May 20th, 1991 manufactured the original Saab CFME. The owner of SARSYS-ASFT was at that time, approached by Saab Automobile AB and General Motors (GM) to manufacture and market the Saab CFME. This was a challenge that SARSYS-ASFT took on with great success. It also ensured the continued production and survival of the Saab CFME, or SFT as it has become known to the world.
Today the SARSYS-ASFT SFT (original SFT) is a well proven CFME that is known around the world for being user friendly and reliable. It has also been equipped with ASFT® Mk IV-S rear-axle, and NG computer system. These systems have been developed through nearly 60 years of out most care taken to the feedback given from the 450 users around the world. ASFT® have also applied their knowledge gained from aviation to roads. Our road segment is being operated with same high standard and benchmarks that we always operated our aviation brand with. We are also active members of WG2 where we are being consulted as experts on surface friction measuring.
SARSYS-ASFT is, since 10 years, also manufacturing and developing Road and Runway Weather Information Systems (RWIS). The weather segment was first initiated as a response to bridge the impact that weather has on surface friction. This way SARSYS-ASFT's customers would have an early warning system to changes in surface friction.
The Swedish Road Authority is operating the world largest national RWIS with 896 stations in operation around Sweden.
To facilitate safe and sustainable movement for people.
We develop and manufacture systems that increase the traffic safety on roads and airports, and at the same time decreases the cost for its operators.
We strive to continuously challenge our products to contribute to a more sustainable industry by making it possible to lower fuel emissions and to decrease the use of chemicals on roads and runways. We aspire to be a dynamic, friendly and fun workplace where our employees will continuously be challenged to do better and by doing so grow stronger as individuals and as a team.
We intend to make enough profit to generate a fair return for our investors, and to finance our high innovation level which ensures our leading position on the market.
for SARSYS-ASFT Group.
Policy regarding the work within our six sustainability aspects.
In 2015, the world heads of state and government adopted a new development agenda, The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It consists of 17 global goals for sustainable devel-opment that aim to eradicate poverty, stop climate change and create peaceful and secure soci-eties. Through our way of conducting our business, our company must contribute to meeting the global goals.
We must be profitable, successful and sustainable in the social, ethical, environmental and financial areas. Our long-term success as a company is linked to the social and environmental challenges. By acting sustainably, it results in better long-term financial sustainability. Together with our employees, suppliers, and our customers, we make a difference for society.
Our company shall be guided by the UN's ten principles for entrepreneurship and human rights in the UN Global Compact. The following are the principles:
1. Support and respect international human rights in the sphere of corporate influence
2. Ensure that their own companies are not involved in human rights violations
3. Maintain freedom of association and recognize the right to collective bargaining
4. Eliminate all forms of forced labor
5. Abolish child labor
6. Eliminate discrimination in recruitment and duties
7. Support the precautionary principle regarding environmental risks
8. Take initiatives to strengthen greater environmental awareness
9. Encourage the development of environmentally friendly technologies
10. Counter all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery
The purpose of the policy is to provide a governing document for running a sustainable com-pany and realizing our values. The policy defines what sustainability is for us and how we should integrate sustainability work into everything we do. The policy applies to all our opera-tions and is the overriding governing document for sustainability. The policy is supplemented with policies in specific areas.
Our definition of sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of today with-out compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our company in-cludes financial, social, environmental and ethical aspects in the definition of sustainability. This means respect for, and protection of, the environment, human rights, employee rights, and good business ethics.
Sustainability is important for the company. Our role in running a sustainable company is to cre-ate a positive impact through our business, be a sustainable choice for customers and to inspire others and each other to make sustainable choices. In every decision and in all our operations, we shall strive to fulfil our sustainability aspects. By conducting sustainable business, we also strengthen our brand.
Social sustainability is that we contribute to the development of society by promoting human rights, decent working conditions, diversity, gender equality and social commitment. We have a responsibility to respect human rights and to act to avoid violating the rights of others in our business. We follow laws and regulations, we pay taxes and get involved in social issues in or-der to support a cohesive society. When we buy goods and services, we choose suppliers who meet social sustainability at all levels. Our Code of Conduct guides the work and provides fur-ther guidance in social sustainability.
We will offer fair and good working conditions for all our employees. This is a responsibility and a competitive advantage. Through it, we can retain and attract new employees. Diversity and equality are prerequisites for not opting out of the best competence. We are open to people re-gardless of their economic and social status, age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity or disability. We give our employees influence over the business as it creates increased well-be-ing, commitment, and higher motivation. We invite creativity and innovations in sustainability work and in all our activities to take advantage of our employees' abilities and create a more ef-ficient business. Continued education must be encouraged as it contributes to the company's and staff's development. We also want the companies we work with to offer fair and good condi-tions. Our Personnel Policy provides guidance and rules in this area.
To achieve long-term sustainability for the company and our employees, our goal is to offer the best possible working environment, without risks of accidents or ill health. We work systemati-cally for a good physical and psychosocial work environment, free from abusive discrimination and bullying. Each manager is responsible for the work environment in their area and each em-ployee is responsible for following safety regulations and avoiding exposing themselves or oth-ers to risks. Everyone is encouraged to contribute with suggestions for achieving improvements in order to achieve a healthy and safe work environment. Our managers and safety representa-tives are trained in work environment issues. We have enlisted occupational health care to sup-port the work environment and rehabilitation. Our work environment effort must fulfil the inten-tions of the Work Environment Act and meet the requirements in regulations from the Swedish Work Environment Authority. Our Work Environment policy governs our work environment ef-fort. When we hire contractors and suppliers, we must require them to minimize risks and com-ply with laws and regulations.
For us, environmental sustainability is to contribute to the sustainable use of the earth's limited resources and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout our operations. This means, for example, that we try to avoid fossil fuels and choose renewable energy sources. We encourage travel by public transport, we minimize business travel, paper and electricity consumption. We sort and minimize waste. We choose environmentally friendly products and solutions that mini-mize our environmental impact. This also applies to our suppliers. In our Environmental Policy, we set rules and routines for our environmentally sustainable work.
Our values and our culture must characterize decision-making and behavior. We place high de-mands on business ethics to build trust and contribute to a better society. We never accept bribes and corruption. Our Anti-Corruption Policy provides guidance and rules in this area.
1. Redirect capital flows towards a more sustainable economy
2. Integrate sustainability into risk management
3. Promote transparency and long-term perspective in the financial market and in the econ-omy as a whole
Within the framework of our operations, we will contribute to fulfilling the three goals. We pro-mote financial sustainability through careful analysis of sustainability-related risks. We do not invest money in funds or companies with environmentally harmful activities such as fossil fuels and environmental toxins. We only invest money in funds or companies that live up to the ten principles of entrepreneurship and human rights. We reward financial activities that benefit the society in which we operate. Our business must be characterized by transparency, also in re-gards to our investments.
We must be transparent with our sustainability work and our results in all our sustainability as-pects. Everyone in our organization must understand the meaning of the policy and work in line with it. Our Sustainability Policy is published on the website and communicated with external parties in relevant parts. We report internally how the work is progressing and externally on our website. Our annual report contains an account of our sustainability work and how well we meet our six sustainability criteria.
Policy adopted 2021-08-31.
The Management of the SARSYS-ASFT Group
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