
SARSYS-ASFT have since May 20th, 1991 manufactured the original Saab CFME. The owner of SARSYS-ASFT was at that time, approached by Saab Automobile AB and General Motors (GM) to manufacture and market the Saab CFME. This was a challenge that SARSYS-ASFT took on with great success. It also ensured the continued production and survival of the Saab CFME, or SFT as it has become known to the world.

Today the SARSYS-ASFT SFT (original SFT) is a well proven CFME that is known around the world for being user friendly and reliable. It has also been equipped with ASFT® Mk IV-S rear-axle, and NG computer system. These systems have been developed through nearly 60 years of out most care taken to the feedback given from the 450 users around the world. ASFT® have also applied their knowledge gained from aviation to roads. Our road segment is being operated with same high standard and benchmarks that we always operated our aviation brand with. We are also active members of WG2 where we are being consulted as experts on surface friction measuring.

SARSYS-ASFT is, since 10 years, also manufacturing and developing Road and Runway Weather Information Systems (RWIS). The weather segment was first initiated as a response to bridge the impact that weather has on surface friction. This way SARSYS-ASFT's customers would have an early warning system to changes in surface friction.

The Swedish Road Authority is operating the world largest national RWIS with 896 stations in operation around Sweden.

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