A story about safety
At this moment, on this planet, we are just over 7.8 billion people. You are one of them, and the person you just spoke to is another. This is our story about safety, and foremost the story of SNAp 2.0.
Safety regardless of point of arrival
Saying that all of these 7.8 billion people travel daily in some form might be an exaggeration, so we will not say that. We will say however, that should they travel, they should be able to do so equally safe, regardless of point of departure or arrival. Increasing safety in transportation and travel on roads and runways is, and has always been, our main ambition.
One standard for all mankind
ICAO’s Global Reporting Format effective from November 2021 is a routine that will increase safety worldwide. The operation managers will fill out the same information irrespective of what airport they work at and the pilot will have access to the same report should they land in Pretoria or Svalbard. This will build a uniform procedure that will decrease the risks associated with subjective interpretations that could lead to errors caused by the human factor.
In numbers we trust
In every department of the industry, routines are developed from numbers telling us what the most sensible and safe action to take is, given the circumstances. We calculate risks and we develop algorithms that help us minimize them. At Sarsys we have done exactly this for well over 30 years.
Our love for friction and contamination
Our heart lies with the precise friction coefficient on roads and runways. This has led us to the position of being world leader and innovator of Continuous Friction Measurement Equipment (CFME) and Runway and Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS). And now SNAp 2.0.
The face of safety
What does safety look like? It can look like a global reporting format, the GRF, for runway surface conditions, the one we just mentioned. It can also look like a software developed for the purpose of increasing safety by lowering risks of human error when automating the process of filling out the GRF. It can look like SNAp 2.0.
Welcome, SNAp 2.0
This app-based software works with clean shots between interactions and is complete with an easy-to-use interface designed to suit human cognition. SNAp 2.0 is the new generation of runway assessment software’s first-born.