Measure tires

Make sure to replace worn out tires to ensure accurate friction values.

There are three different types of measure tires, all for their own specific purpose. All measure tires have the same dimension: 4.00-8.

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From left to right: T520, ASTM, T-49


The Unitester 520 tire is a high-pressure tire designed to replicate the behavior of an aircraft tire. It is primarily used in icy conditions and is designed to penetrate the snow to reach the ice below. Normal tire pressure is 7.0 bar / 101.5 psi.

The T520 tire is a ribbed tire and has tread wear indicators that allow the Operator to monitor tire wear.
The correct name is Unitester 520, most often referred to as T520.

ASTM E-1551

The ASTM E-1551 tire is a low-pressure tire that is mandatory for use when doing wet friction measurements for maintenance purposes at both airports and on roads in most countries. It is also used, in most countries, for any other weather condition besides snow and ice. Normal tire pressure is 2.1 bar / 30 psi.

The ASTM tire is a smooth tread tire and has tread wear indicators in the shape of small holes that allow the Operator to monitor tire wear.
The correct name is ASTM Test Tire E-1551, most often referred to as ASTM.

The ASTM tire is a directional tire and its direction is illustrated with an arrow on the sidewall.


The T-49 tire is a low-pressure tire designed for measurements on public roads according to ISO8349. Normal tire pressure is 2.3 bar / 33.5 psi.

The T-49 tire is a ribbed tire but has no tread wear indicators. The Operator must monitor tire wear continuously.
The correct name is T-49.

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